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Hernia Repair

While hernias are not always necessarily painful, they can cause multiple issues as a result of the pressure they put on internal organs. NOSC offers the surgical repair of hernias as a means of preventing potential complications.

The Procedure

The hernia repair procedure at NOSC can be offered at the same time as the laparoscopic banding procedure. Only a few tiny incisions are required in order to allow access for the camera and the surgeon’s instruments. Depending on the severity of the hernia, the surgeon will either repair the hernia by pushing it back to its proper position or reducing the herniated tissue.

Following your Hernia Repair

As the hernia repair procedure offered at NOSC is completed laparoscopically, the recovery time is significantly reduced.

Hernia repair is an outpatient procedure, and you will be discharged the same day.  At this time, NOSC offers the hernia repair only to patients undergoing the Lap Band procedure.

NOSC medical staff will be available for any questions or concerns throughout the healing process.